International collaborative meeting on nontraditional applications of nuclear energy
From Jan. 22 to 25, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) hosted a collaborative meeting across multiple international organizations working toward nontraditional applications of nuclear energy.
Multilateral groups represented include the International Energy Agency Task 44 on Nuclear Production of Hydrogen, the Generation-IV International Forum (GIF) Task Force on Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Heat, the GIF Very High Temperature Reactor Hydrogen Project Management Board, and representatives/observers from these technology areas from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.
This first-of-its-kind collaborative meeting convened experts in nuclear and hydrogen production technologies. They discussed progress and collaboration opportunities to further accelerate development and deployment of nuclear energy to produce clean hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives.
This event allowed INL researchers to highlight their work in technical and economic assessment, system modeling, and component and system demonstration. This could lead to further partnerships and requests to utilize INL or other DOE laboratory facilities for technology demonstrations. This potentially includes INL's Energy Innovation Laboratory, Energy System Laboratory and the Energy Technology Proving Ground.
Visitors hailed from the U.S., Canada, France and Belgium. Participants from the U.K., Italy, Denmark, South Korea and Japan joined the presentations and discussions online.